The computer catalog and circulation system used by the Orangeburg Library is scheduled to be replaced during Dec 5-8, 2011. The Library participates in the shared ANSER (Automated Network Services) computer system used by 46 member libraries in the Ramapo Catskill Library System.
During the changeover to the new system (Dec. 5 to Dec. 8), you will not be able to access the catalog or your library account. All current checkouts, fine blocks, and existing hold requests will be transferred to the new system. Lists that patrons have created on their own in the catalog will also be moved. You will be able to checkout new items. Items coming due during the ‘blackout’ period will be automatically extended and not subject to fines.
The new library catalog will have a different look, and will offer additional searching capabilities. Some materials owned by the Orangeburg Library may only be available for hold requests by patrons with Orangeburg Library cards. To place a hold request during this period, please fill out a hold request form, available at the Adult Reference Desk or in the Childrens’ Room.
The ANSER libraries only change their software system every 7-10 years , so please be patient with the library staff as we get used to new workflows.