
New and Notable


The Heart of Power: Health and Politics in the Oval Office/ David Blumenthal.
This timely book examines the diverse strategies eleven U.S. presidents have used to resolve national health reform.

The Next 100 Years: A Forecast for the 21st Century/ George Friedman.
A renowned geopolitical expert offers a captivating 100-year forecast for American and the world.

No Quarter: The Battle of the Crater, 1864/ Richard Slotkin.
A catastrophic battle failed to end the stalemate between Union and Confederate forces.

Road to Woodstock/ Michael Lang.
Producer of the now famous music festival tells his role in organizing the countercultural celebration in upstate New York.

Badlands Saloon/ Jonathan Twingley.

Offbeat characters frequent a saloon in a small North Dakotan town.

Swimming/ Nicola Keegan.
A rising Olympic champion must come to terms with unresolved grief.

Border Songs/ Jim Lynch.
A dyslexic patrol agent stationed near the Canadian border divides his time between bird watching and catching smugglers.

That Old Cape Magic/ Richard Russo.
Irreconcilable family troubles frustrate a middle-aged college professor.

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