


"Rosie the Riveter" is the star of this special video program which highlights the sweeping social transformation that rocked American society on the Home Front from 1941-1945. At the 70th Anniversary of World War II, it is a good time to reflect on how America has changed. For example, as men left their jobs to enlist in the Armed Forces, millions of women joined the labor force as factories expanded to fill the needs of wartime production. American movie and radio stars such as Bob Hope, The Andrews Sisters, Abbott and Costello, and many others supporting the war effort by entertaining our troops and selling War Bonds.

This nostalgic documentary, presented by producer Harvey Chertok, includes newsreels, propaganda, movies, music and humor to show how traditional American ideals, lifestyles, morals and ethics changed during the war.

Please call the library at 845-359-2244, Ext. 10 to sign up.


Be a Jr. or Teen book reviewer.

Love to read?
Want to share your opinion?
Be a Jr. or Teen book reviewer.

Jr. Book Reviewer grades 4-6
Teen Book Reviewer grades 7-12

Check out a book with a NEW Sticker on spine.
It can be a fiction or non-fiction or a Graphic Novel.

Your review should answer the following questions:
·         What is the book about (theme as well as plot)?
·         What kind of reader would like this book? What grade?
·         What other books would you suggest for someone
who liked it? Are they already owned by the library?
·         Is the cover any good (i.e. would it attract readers?)

On a scale of 1-5, how popular do you think the book will be?
1 - No one will want to read it except for assignments.
2 – Only for person who has special interest in subject matter
3 – Will appeal to reader if recommended
4 – Will have general appeal
5 – Everyone will be in a rush to read it.

To submit a review, you can give it to Angela  or email it to akrajcar@rcls.org subject Library book review.
Don’t forget to include book title, author, your name and grade. (Initials only will be included in published reviews.)


Everyone is welcome to join the group. Bring your lunch; the Library provides dessert. Books are available one month before the discussion. Note the differences in days and times.

Wednesday, October 12 at 12 Noon - The Story of Edgar Sawtelle by David Wroblewski
Wednesday, November 16 at 12 Noon - 31 Hours by Masha Hamilton
Wednesday, December 14 at 12 Noon - The Shadow of the Wind by Carlos Ruiz Zafon